商品名稱: Digital Tutors Introduction to Maya 2012
商品分類: 3D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: Maya 2012 全面深入學習教程軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7
更新日期: 2011-11-25
由Digital Tutors公司最新出品的Digital Tutors Introduction to Maya 2012 教程,Maya 2012
教程所使用的軟體:Maya 2012 and up
Maya 是目前世界上最為優秀的三維動畫的製作軟體之一,主要是為了影視應用而研發的,所以在出
動畫製作,影視廣告設計,多媒體製作甚至遊戲製作領域都有很出色的表現。初識Maya 是目前世界
In this series of lessons, we will help you get a strong understanding
of Maya and how it works. You'll get the chance to work with many of
the Maya instructors here at Digital-Tutors who will show you how to
use some of the major components of Maya.
In this course, we'll start by giving you the foundational skills and
vocabulary you'll need in order to move around within Maya, and then
we'll jump right into the Modeling section of the course. After
completing the Modeling section, you'll get the chance try your hand
at Texturing, Rigging, Animation, Dynamics, and finally, Lighting and
Rendering your own animation. Our goal is not to weigh you down with
technical information, but rather to help you form good habits and
strong workflows so you can become a proficient Maya artist.