商品名稱: Lipid Data Analyzer v1.5.2
商品分類: 3D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 3D算法分析軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7
更新日期: 2011-07-22
check crack\serial.txt
The accurate measurement of the lipidome permits insights
into physiological and pathological processes. Of the
present high-throughput technologies, LC-MS especially
bears potential of monitoring quantitative changes in
hundreds of lipids simultaneously. In order to extract
valuable information from huge amount of mass spectrometry
data, the aid of automated, reliable highly sensitive and
specific analysis algorithms is indispensable.
We present here a novel approach for the quantitation of
LC-MS data. The new algorithm obtains its analytical power
by two major innovations: 1) a 3D algorithm that confines
the peak borders in m/z and time direction and 2) the use
of the theoretical isotopic distribution of an analyte as
selection/exclusion criterion. The algorithm is integrated
in the Lipid Data Analyzer (LDA) application, which
additionally provides standardisation, a statistics module
for results analysis, a batch mode for unattended analysis
of several runs and a 3D viewer for the manual
The statistics module offers sample grouping, tests
between sample groups and export functionalities, where
the results are visualised by heat maps and bar charts.
The presented algorithm has been applied to data from a
controlled experiment and to biological data, containing
analytes distributed over an intensity range of 10^6. Our
approach shows improved sensitivity and an extremely high
positive predictive value compared to existing methods.
Consequently, this application is a valuable improvement
in the high-throughput analysis of lipids.