商品名稱: Simlab Composer v2.1
商品分類: 3D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 相容多種格式模型的3D場景創建軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7
更新日期: 2010-08-10
Simlab 的 Composer 能夠幫助創建高級3D場景,允許用戶整合來自不同平台/格式的幾何物
體,以方便快速地創建各種場景。允許的平台/格式包括: Rhino, IGES, STEP, Solidwords,
SketchUp, 3DXML, FBX, 3DS, OBJ, U3D, 和 3D PDF。這個特性能夠極大的幫助開發者互動
地創建高級3D場景模型, 並借助COLLADA實現資源共享, 以及通過PDF 3D 格式維護場景創建的
Supports importing 3D models from many of the
standard file formats, including: SketchUp,
Rhino, STEP, IGES, Collada, 3D PDF, 3D XML, FBX,
Obj, 3DS, DXF, U3D, STL, and DWG. 3D models and
scenes can be exported to the following files
formats, OBJ, FBX, Collada, STL, U3D, BIP and OSG.
Building 3D Scenes: SimLab Composer provides the
user with all the needed tools to build 3D senses
from existing models. In addition to the draggers
found in modern 3D applications to place models
in the scene, SimLab Composer offers unique tools
like snap to object and snap to ground to make
building 3D scenes intuitive and fast.
SimLab Composer maintains the assembly structure
of imported 3D models, this enable the user to
select the level to work on (face, body, part,
subassembly or assembly).