商品名稱: Electric Rain Swift 3D PS v1.0.140 x64
商品分類: 3D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: Electric Rain專業向量3D軟體for PS & MAX軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7
更新日期: 2010-08-04
Adobe合作夥伴Electric rain公司的看家軟體Swift 3D是專業的向量3D軟體。它的出現充分彌補了Flash
在3D方面的不足,它以嬌小的身軀強大的功能位居Flash第三方軟體的第一位。 它能夠輕易的構建3D模型
就是說隻要有Swift 3D一個軟體我們就可以做出眩目的Flash 3D動畫。
不久前,Electric Rain公司又發佈了適用於Photoshop CS4 Extended的最新插件Swift 3D PS。該插件可
讓Photoshop用戶通過工具欄在Photoshop中直接創建出完美的3D內容。同時,Swift 3D PS也將其3D工作流
程擴展到了Photoshop和After Effects之中,大大簡化了3D場景創建和動畫,燈光及相機佈置的操作。
Plug Into Your Creative Layer With Swift 3D PS New plug-in for
Photoshop CS4 Extended. It accomplishes simple 3D tasks in seconds
with remarkable results and places your 3D text, extrusions or
models back into Photoshop as 3D layers for further manipulation
with their toolset and filters.
Swift 3D PS is a fun and easy-to-use Photoshop plug-in that will
have you exploring entirely new hemispheres of Photoshop CS4
Extended. It accomplishes simple 3D tasks in seconds with
remarkable results and places your 3D text, extrusions or models
back into Photoshop as 3D layers. These layers remain fully
editable by Swift 3D PS, even after Photoshop's array of layer
styles and filters are applied. Swift 3D PS offers the same
powerful capabilities of our standalone product, but works within
the confines of the Photoshop environment.