商品名稱: Digital Juice Compositors Toolkit Visual FX Library 2 D07 DVD9
商品分類: DVD9程式合輯.軟體合輯
商品類型: Digital Juice 影視視覺特效 背景素材庫 軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7
更新日期: 2011-06-14
Digital Juice COMPOSITOR'S TOOLKIT 2 - Disk 9Digital Juice在影視視覺特效背景素材
系列中,再次重磅推出高質量低價格的視覺特效素材庫-2。Compositors Toolkit 2(CTK2)
Digital Juice returns to the video visual effects scene
with another superb quality visual effects elements
library, once again containing the highest quantity of
clips, at the lowest possible price. With over 275 organic
high-resolution, high speed clips, COMPOSITOR'S TOOLKIT 2
(CTK2) has more visual effects than its predecessor, CTK1,
in 13 all-new categories. We're confident that our latest
offerings to this market will have the same effect that
our other revolutionary product lines have had throughout
the yearsnspiring our customers and giving them the
creative tools to grow as producers, editors and now,
visual effects artists.